Winter Citrus Salad with Mint
A beautiful colorful dish that will energize & vitaminize you during the cold winter months

I love bright colors and I love them especially because they make me smile and are like sunshine that makes me happy when I see it. That is probably also the main reason I tend to incorporate a lot of colorful vegetables and fruits into my dishes.
I feel like during winter months the grey and cold weather outside makes me long for these colors even more. At least this is how I have been feeling lately. I also feel that filming and creating these recipes is helping me get through this time and it makes me feel like we are very close to spring already :)
Since I have been filming all kind of recipes with blood oranges, lemons and mandarins, it happens to be that my kitchen is full of these fruits as I cannot just buy the amount I need for the recipe, but I also need some extra for the photos and decoration and blablablaaah... :) I know my boyfriend is not too happy about this, but oh well, he is happy about all of the food I make with them. So all good in the end :)
So I was sitting in my kitchen, looking at all that "decoration" fruit and thinking what I could make with it.. That is when I saw it, a beautiful colorful citrus salad with all these fruits with their beautiful shades of orange, pink, red and yellow. But something was missing, I needed something green and also something sweet that would go with the salad and compliment the tastes. Then, I threw on my jacket and went to get some fresh mint and pomegranate from our corner shop. That was it, a winter citrus salad, that would both look beautiful and taste delicious.
Stay healthy, energized and vitaminized darlings! And don´t forget to eat that salad :)
P.S. If you don´t want to make a mess in your kitchen with all the pomegranate juice while cutting it, check out this quick tutorial on how to open the pomegranate very easy and without the mess.

Step by Step Video
Winter Citrus Salad
With a Homemade Honey Dressing
1 grapefruit
2 blood oranges
3 mandarins
½ lemon (optional)
some fresh mint
handful of pomegranate
1tsp of sesame seeds
dry cornflower petals (optional)
1tbsp lemon juice
1tbsp olive oil
1tbsp honey
Wash all of the fruits well and peel them.
As it can be hard to peel the bigger fruits nicely (so that they keep their shape), I suggest you peel them using a very sharp knife. (See video)
Slice all of the fruits thinly. If fresh lemon is too sour to you, you can leave it out.
To make the dressing mix lemon juice, olive oil and honey until combined.
Take a big serving plate and place one layer of fruit onto it. Drizzle the fruit with about half of the dressing and then place the rest of the fruit on top.
Decorate with fresh mint, pomegranate, sesame seeds and cornflowers. Drizzle over the rest of the dressing.
You can serve the salad right away or allow it to soak up some of the dressing for a couple of hours in the fridge. The longer you wait, the sweeter the fruits will become because of the dressing.
TIP. If you like things on the sweeter side, you can add an extra tablespoon of honey to the dressing to add some extra sweetness to the salad.