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Winter Flavor Tea

Delicious flavourful tea to keep you warm during the cold winter months


How do you battle the cold weather and make sure you stay healthy? This winter I decided I am not going to get a cold. I get a cold every year almost scheduled perfectly around Christmas and New Years. So this year I decided to do everything I can to avoid this. I was dressing up really warm, pumping my body with C-vitamine and tried to sleep and rest enough to keep my immune system running. Oh well, it was a great plan and all, but right after New Year it hit me and I got a cold.. And what does being sick call for? Yes, for a lot of liquids and in my case it has to be something delicious to keep me drinking loads of it. That is how I came up with the idea for this tea.


I am not a big fan of fruit teas that you get from a store. There is either some weird flavor that I don´t like, it tastes too artificial or it gives me a heartburn.. You know, a girl gotta have problems :D For this reason I like to use just plain black tea or plain green tea and add my own flavor to it. And let me tell you something, it tastes great every time! Everything is natural and you can go wild with the flavors!


So whether you are feeling a little under the weather or you just fancy a different kind of tea, get yourself the ingredients listed below and make some of this delicious Winter Flavor Tea.


Stay warm lovelys!



Step by Step Video


Winter Flavor Tea

Flavorful tea to keep you warm during the cold winter months



  • 1 cinnamon stick

  • handful of dried cranberries

  • 1 star anise

  • 3 mandarins (tangerines)

  • 1 tsp dry orange peel

  • ½ tsp dry lemon peel

  • 2-3 teabags of black tea

  • about 1.5 litres boiling water


  • 1 lemon, sliced thinly

  • some honey or any other sweetener






  1. Add the cinnamon stick, cranberries and the star anise into a medium bowl.

  2. Squeeze the juice from the mandarins into the bowl making sure you get all of the juices out of each one. Don´t worry if you get some fruit or seeds into your bowl, you can strain the tea at a later stage to get all of that out.

  3. Then add dry orange peel, dry lemon peel and the tea. Pour over about 1 litre of the boiling water and cover for at least half an hour.

  4. After half an hour, uncover the tea, remove the tea bags and strain the tea into a tea pot.

  5. Pour another half a litre of boiling water over the spices and strain that also into the tea pot. This way we are getting all of the flavour out of the spices.

  6. Serve the tea hot or warm, whichever way you prefer, with a slice of lemon and some honey.


Tip. You can add the cranberries to your tea if you wish and eat them while drinking the tea. They taste really yummy.

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